Column: "Helping You Age Better" - Healthy Lifestyle Programs coming to a community near you!

Column: "Helping You Age Better" - Healthy Lifestyle Programs coming to a community near you!

Most know the Area Agency on Aging District 7 (AAA7) for the assistance we can provide with long-term care home and community-based services, programs and resources that are available in our ten-county district. Did you know that we also provide “Healthy Lifestyle Programs”? These evidence-based programs help individuals learn to take control of their lives and manage health conditions. Thanks to a network of community coaches and members of our staff, these programs are available in a number of communities throughout our ten-county district. The AAA7 offers services in Adams, Brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton Counties. We are excited to report that we already have classes scheduled for the remainder of the year throughout our ten counties, and look forward to bringing these classes to a community near you throughout 2016.
“A Matter of Balance” is an educational program that teaches practical strategies to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels. Participants learn to view falls as controllable, set realistic goals, change their environment to reduce risk factors, and increase strength and balance through exercise.
The “Chronic Disease Self-Management Program” and “Diabetes Self-Management Program” helps adults gain confidence in their ability to manage symptoms and understand how their health problems affect their lives. Individuals who could benefit from the program are those with long-term health challenges such as asthma, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, or other life-long conditions. The program emphasizes the persons’ role in managing their illness and building their self-confidence so that they can be successful in adopting healthy behaviors. Participants in the class learn to deal with pain, fatigue and depression; discover ways to be more physically active; learn how to eat healthier; learn better ways to talk about their health with physicians and family; set personal goals; and find ways to relax and deal with stress. Participants can represent an individual with a chronic disease, a caregiver of someone with a chronic disease, or someone who wants to learn more about healthy living.
We are excited to offer these wonderful programs to our communities. If you would like to learn more about these classes, or are interested in attending an upcoming class in your county, please call 1-800-582-7277 and we can share the schedule with you and add you to the list for an upcoming class. Or, visit our website at to view a calendar under our “Upcoming Events” section.
If you would like to learn more about long-term care home and community-based services that are available in your community, please call our Agency at 1-800-582-7277. Our Resource Center is available to anyone in the community looking for information or assistance with long-term care options and resources. We can even schedule an in-home assessment with a nurse or social worker at no cost to discuss these options and resources in more detail.